The Road Race
Capital of the World.
Before COVID-19, Guam was famous for hosting running road races every single weekend. Runners from all across the island would gather in the early mornings of the weekends in the spirit of competition and community.
While those racing days may not return in the near future, we hope to fill those needs with our new RUNGUAM Virtual Series.

In celebration of our 5-Year Anniversary, the RUNGUAM Virtual 5-Miler will be held starting Monday, November 30, 2020, through Sunday, December 6, 2020.

Runners must complete 5-miles on their own in a single run. The run can be completed anywhere in the world, including a treadmill. If you are running/walking outside, please follow all social distancing rules and comply with all local, state, and federal mandates. All registrations are final. There are no refunds allowed for the virtual race. Runners under 18-years of age must obtain parental/guardian approval to participate.
Runners interested in participating in the competitive division of the RUNGUAM 5-Miler must run the Official Race Course at any time of the day within the dates of November 30, 2020 - December 6, 2020. Top times submitted in each division will receive a RUNGUAM Gift Certificate. Submitted times in the competitive division must be verified on Strava or other GPS tracking site.
Age Divisions:
Youth (13 and under)
Junior (14-19)
Open (20-29)
Sub-Master (30-39)
Master (40-49)
Senior (50-59)
Grand-Master (60-69)
Manamko' (70 and up)
All registered runners will be entered in a random drawing to win five (5) RUNGUAM gift packs that include:
Singlet or DRIKWIK shirt
Raffle winners will be announced on our social media pages on Monday, December 7, 2020.
Submit your results on the results submission page.
All registered runners will receive a Basic Finisher Packet ($20 registration) that includes:
4-inch, spinning, finisher medal
Digital finisher certificate
10 %-off Storewide Coupon Code
RUNGUAM sticker
Runners that purchase a Deluxe Finisher Packet ($45 registration) receive:​
An Exclusive RUNGUAM Essential Backpack ($35 Value)
4-inch, spinning, finisher medal
Digital finisher certificate
10 %-off Storewide Coupon Code
RUNGUAM sticker

Finisher Medal:

Exclusive RUNGUAM Essential Backpack:

RUNGUAM Sticker:

Finisher packets will be available for pick-up at the RUNGUAM store at 518 Pale San Vitores Road, Suite 101, Tumon beginning Monday, December 7, 2020.
Off-Island participants will be mailed their Finisher Packets. Please purchase the appropriate shipping fee if ordering from off-island.
The Official Race Course begins across the street from RUNGUAM on Pale San Vitores Road in Tumon. Head south towards the Hilton intersection and take a right into the Ypao Beach Park entrance gate. Follow the driveway and take a right, following the path alongside the main pavilion. Turn into the parking lot and head towards Proa Restaurant and take a left on Pale San Vitores Road. Stay on Pale San Vitores Road and head north all the way towards the new Tsubaki Tower. Turn around at the entrance to Tsubaki Tower and head back to the start of the course to complete the 5-Miler.
The course will not be marked so please study the course map prior to running. Be extra cautious when crossing intersections, crosswalks, and driveways.
The race course will appear as a segment on Strava, under the segment name: "RUNGUAM 5-Miler". Submitted times will be verified with the results that appear on the Strava segment. Your Strava activity must be set to "Public" to appear on the segment leaderboard. We encourage participants to join our Strava Club Page to view current leaderboards.